MDHIN services include integrated and standalone management processes for patient assessments, patient encounters, requirements for medical necessity and medical equipment. All systems and services offered within MDHIN are both HIPAA and HITECH compliant.
In addition to the healthcare requirements of virtualized medicine, MDHIN incorporates dozens of additional features such as product recommendations and ancillary services that achieve better patient outcomes as a result.
The healthcare industry is challenging because it requires compliance with numerous regulations and protocols that are constantly updated. MDHIN is on the forefront of these updates.
For providers using MDHIN, we offer compliant tools and cutting-edge features that not only ensure all regulatory guidelines are met, but also improve practice management & efficiency over time.
Administration Features:
Document Management
Health Information Exchange
Quality Measure Reporting
Assessments to Better Outcomes
CCM, TCM, RPM, Virtual Visits, Mobile Applications, and Other Tools.
Interoperability of Medical Records with Other EMR systems
Automated Processing and Management
Telemed Solutions
Virtual Waiting Rooms
Product Martketplace
Large Patient / Customer Base
Referral Network for Specialized Medicine, Labs, Imaging, & More.
BCHLX Blockchain Security
MDHIN allows for both system-managed or self-managed programs with proprietary workflows.
For reference, the following programs (not including chronic, transition or remote care management) are provided:
Patient Opioid Risk Management Program
Patient Anxiety Risk Management Program
Patient Mental Health Management Program Telemedicine
Chiropractic Management Program Covid Safety Program
MDHIN Programs & Services are available to the following Healthcare Professionals (with or without telemedicine services):
Nurse Practitioners (NPs)
Physician Assistants (PAs)
Clinical Nurse Specialists
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists
Clinical psychologists (CPs) and Clinical Social Workers Registered Dietitians or Nutrition Professionals Medical Assistants (MAs)
Healthcare Provider Features of MDHIN Include:
Patient Compliance Management
Proprietary Quality Care Programs
Assessment Relevancy Qualifications, Patient Specific
Virtual Waiting Rooms
Blockchain Secure Telemed Video Conferencing
Remote Patient Reporting
Turn-key Implementation
Quality Measure Reporting via HELIX
Share Data Safely with Multiple Parties with Proper Consent
Ever Expanding Referral Network
Wellness Management
Health Information Management
Utilizes Healthcare IT Standards & Regulatory Requirements for Data Exchange Cutting Edge System Workflows
Integration with most US Labs and Pharmacies