Swap HLX Coins Into USD Fiat
HLX Coins are escrow tokens designed to hold their value over time. This means that BCHLX Treasury accrues a swap out value in escrow to ensure there will always be value available in USD, should any user wish to swap their HLX coins for fiat.
During the first block of HLX, the swap out value offered is $2.75 of par.
Once the second block zHLX is released into circulation, users will also be able to swap their series of HLX with another users series. When zHLX releases, the swap value for HLX will become $3.00 with zhlx swaps offered @ $2.75.
To swap HLX, simply select “Sell HLX” from the Buy/Sell Menu Button and then input the number of HLX coins to exchange.
Upon approval the USD balance is immediately available and appears in the User’s swap account.
On click of “Redeem Swap Balance” Users can currently input ACH banking details for redemption of USD into a fiat bank account.
***Coming soon - HLX Debit Card***
With the release of the HLX Debit Card, users will be eligible to “Top Up” their swap balance into a USD Debit Visa/Mastercard for quick and easy worldwide usage.