Your Health & Well-Being Digital Services Portal


Welcome to the personal side of the Viva HLX System, myVIVA.

myVIVA is designed for individuals, families, private groups, & locations to partake in using any of the Viva HLX services to be safe, proactive, and protected against Covid-19 among a variety of other health and well-being related services. Choose from health assessments,


With myVIVA, individuals can request certified lab result reports (for TSA travel, Public location entry, etc.). Users can also submit a variety of self-administered rapid antigen covid tests for validation, status clearance, &/or medical advice as needed to respond to positive results.

User can also book teleconferencing appointments directly through myViva which are secured using BCHLX Blockchain.

Users can upload vaccination records as well as consent forms, medical waivers, religious & other vaccination exceptions.

Attestations to medical or religious exemptions from vaccination for Covid-19 are acceptable for vaccination clearance entry requirements per OSHA & The CDC.

The user status page includes vaccination records, as well as a QR status countdown timer from the last confirmed result.

With myViva, it really is that simple to live covid safe.

Simply, scan your status QR at any covid safety entrance & proceed with living your life.